Isometric Drawing in Autocad Ppt


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Design Review, Isometric Drawings and Introduction to AutoCAD PowerPoint Presentation

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Design Review, Isometric Drawings and Introduction to AutoCAD

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Design Review, Isometric Drawings and Introduction to AutoCAD

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Design Review, Isometric Drawings and Introduction to AutoCAD Lecture 4 Autumn Quarter

  2. Topics For Today • Using the Engineering Design Process (Review - Preparation for Lab) • More Freehand Sketching • Isometric Sketches • Introduction to AutoCAD 2002 • (You should have read Lesson 1 by now!) Autumn Quarter

  3. Topics For Today • Suggestions For Leisure Reading • "All Corvettes Are Red" • "The Soul Of A New Machine" • "To Engineer Is Human" • Hands-on Lab Tomorrow – HI 208 • READ TWTW, pp. 8-23 (or pp. 10-27 in 1st Ed.) Autumn Quarter

  4. FEH Program Web Page • The FEH program web page may be found at: http:// • Read lab write-up Tonight! • Click on Labs Link on FEH Homepage Autumn Quarter

  5. Labs Labs FEH Homepage Autumn Quarter

  6. Engineering Design Process • AS DEFINED BY BERTOLINE ET. AL. • IDEATION • REFINEMENT • IMPLEMENTATION • You will do it all in Lab this week Autumn Quarter

  7. Design • What is design? • PROCESS OF CONCEIVING OR INVENTING IDEAS – Start w/ brainstorming for this lab • The Art of Design • DESIGN FOR FUNCTION AND PURPOSE • The Practice of Engineering Design • PRODUCT DESIGN Autumn Quarter

  8. Isometric Sketching – Example & Ellipses Goals • A process for creating isometric drawings • A process for sketching ellipses for isometric drawings Reference • BTG Chapter 5 Autumn Quarter

  9. 60o 60o 30o 30o Isometric Axis Making an Isometric Sketch- Defining The Axis Autumn Quarter

  10. Height Width Depth Isometric Axis Convention Making an Isometric Sketch- Axis Convention Autumn Quarter

  11. Object for Practice How would you sketch this object? Autumn Quarter

  12. Front Face Height Width Blocking in the Object– Begin with Front Face Start with Isometric Axis Autumn Quarter

  13. Side Face Height Depth Blocking in the Object– Add Side Face Autumn Quarter

  14. Top Face Blocking in the Object– Add Top Face Autumn Quarter

  15. Adding Detail – Cut Outs – Part 1 Autumn Quarter

  16. Adding Detail – Cut Outs– Part 2 Autumn Quarter

  17. Adding Detail – Cut Outs– Part 3 Autumn Quarter

  18. Darken Final Lines Autumn Quarter

  19. Isometric ellipses • In an isometric drawing, the object is viewed at an angle, which makes circles appear as ellipses. • Holes • Cylinders Autumn Quarter

  20. Ellipses can be in any plane Autumn Quarter

  21. Sketching an Isometric of a Hollow Pipe Autumn Quarter

  22. Diameter Diameter Length Step 1 - Creating the Base Box Autumn Quarter

  23. - corner to corner to get center - lines to tangent points Tangent Points Lines to Tangent Points Step 2 – Ellipse on Front Face Autumn Quarter

  24. Sketch in Arcs Tangent Points Step 3 – Ellipse on Front Face Autumn Quarter

  25. Repeat for ellipse on rear face Draw Tangent Lines for Profile Complete Visible Part of Back Ellipse Step 4 – Ellipse on Back Face and Profile Autumn Quarter

  26. Create Box for Hole Sketch Ellipse Step 5 – Ellipse for Hole on Front Face Autumn Quarter

  27. Isometric of Hollow Pipe Autumn Quarter

  28. Defining Hidden and Center Lines • Hidden Line – used to represent features that cannot be seen in the current view • Centerlines – used to represent symmetry and to mark the center of circles and the axes of cylinders, and the axes of symmetrical parts, such as cylinders and bolts Autumn Quarter

  29. Center Line Visible Line Hidden Line Example Autumn Quarter

  30. Precedence of Lines VISIBLE LINE takes precedence over all other lines HIDDEN LINE and CUTTING PLANE LINE take precedence over center lines CENTER LINE does not have precedence Autumn Quarter

  31. Example Application of Precedence Autumn Quarter

  32. Engineering Drawings • Drawing • Borderline and Title Block • Borderline – Space outside left blank so details are not lost if the edge of the drawing is torn • Title Block – Information about who did the drawing, when it was done, where it was saved Autumn Quarter

  33. AutoCAD 2002 • A 2D drawing and 3D modeling package • Will learn to use the software through a variety of guided exercises and homework assignments • Today's Lesson • Geometric Construction Basics Autumn Quarter

  34. AutoCAD Startup Screen This is the opening screen for AutoCAD 2002 Autumn Quarter

  35. AutoCAD Toolbars Pull-down Menus Draw Toolbar Modify Toolbar Graphics Cursor Standard Toolbar Object Properties Toolbar Command Line Cursor Coordinate Display Graphics Window Autumn Quarter

  36. Today's Drawing This is object that will be drawn today Autumn Quarter

  37. AutoCAD Title Block • For each drawing that you turn in, you will need to insert a title block • STEPS • Complete the drawing • Go to Layout 1 • Click OK when the window pops up • Use the Insert Command [INSERT] • Select the file "TITLE BLOCK" • Select Explode the Title Block (so you can edit) • Use the Edit Command to change the text [ED] Autumn Quarter

  38. Layout1 TB – Step 1 Drawing is Complete Autumn Quarter

  39. Select OK TB – Step 2 Autumn Quarter

  40. TITLEBLOCK INSERT Command Select OK Explode - Yes TB – Step 3 Autumn Quarter

  41. Click on Text Enter Title EDIT Command TB – Step 4 * Repeat for each Field * Autumn Quarter

  42. Print Preview TB - Complete Completed Drawing Autumn Quarter

  43. AutoCAD 2002 – Lesson 2 • Work through the lesson at your own pace • Ask questions as they come up • Once the Guide Plate is drawn and has a Title Block, print it and turn it in. • Draw Exercise 2 – this will be Drawing 7 • Think about what you are doing while you follow the steps. • Goal - be able to draw without the book!! Autumn Quarter

  44. Assignments • Dwg 7 – Lesson 2, Exercise 2 (page 2-23) • Save as MOUNT BLOCK • Due at end of class today • Dwg 8 – G15 • Sketch a pictorial view of each object • Due at the beginning of the next lecture Autumn Quarter


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