Funny Lego Jokes Clean Funny Lego Puns Clean
Did you hear about the LEGO truck that crashed on the highway?
Authorities are still trying to piece everything together...
Why do LEGO men hate going to hospital...?
Because plastic surgery costs a fortune!
I downloaded a Lego app today.
It bricked my phone.
So I was at Legoland the other day and I saw a couple making out
I thought it was inappropiate so walked up to them and said "Come on guys, this is Legoland. Build a room."
Just saw the Lego Movie... was very well *pieced* together!
(Got this off Doug Benson's 'Doug Loves Movies' podcast)
This morning some bloke drove up to my house in a huge lorry and dumped off a massive pile of lego blocks.
I'm so furious I don't know what to make of it.
I stepped on a rusty Lego the other day...
I'm worried I might have contracted Tetris.
How do you measure a Lego figure's shoe size?
In square feet.
I'm writing some BSDM-themed LEGO fan-fiction.
I hope to release it later as "50 blocks of pain"
Why do adults like Legos so much, when they grow old?
They can't lego of their childhood.
Tell some more Lego puns, here!
What does the Lego man do for fun?
He throws a block party.
You can explore lego catan reddit one liners, including funnies and gags. Read them and you will understand what jokes are funny? Those of you who have teens can tell them clean lego mattel dad jokes. There are also lego puns for kids, 5 year olds, boys and girls.
What do you call a disabled Lego?
An O.
Have you heard of the new Lego Presidential Building Set?
It's called My First Wall . It comes with a few pesos as a refund.
My mom told me to get rid of my brick toys
But I just can't lego
Why is Legolas so fit?
He always eats elfy snacks.
Going To The Movies
I told my wife I wanted to watch a movie about a billionaire playboy with a penchant for darkness, inflicting violence and dressing up in masks.
She got excited and asked, "Are we really go to see *50 Shades*?"
I laughed and told her I was talking about *The Lego Batman Movie*.
This week Lego Batman sold more tickets than the sequel to 50 Shades of Grey...
When asked to comment about this 50 Shades stated "It's okay, I like to be dominated."
Hey, are you the top of a Lego brick?
Because you're a stud.
When I told my ex girlfriend that I wanted to break up, she tried gifting me a mini plastic figurine of myself in an attempt to salvage our relationship.
I screamed, "Lego of me!"
Hear the one about the lego that was biding its time? Its a thinker.
Wait. Mental block.
What's the most common operation in a LEGO hospital?
Plastic surgery.
[Credits: My 11yo son invented this joke]
What's the most common operation in a LEGO hospital?
Plastic surgery.
How do you drop a small plastic building block?
Did you hear about the Lego alien pornstar?
He came in pieces.
My mountain climbing partner's last words were wasted on giving me advice about toys I don't even have.
Why was the Lego man sick?
What's the difference between sex and lego?
You don't know? Then you should probably stick to lego's
The Jackson estate recently made an announcement...
That upon his death, they'd had Michael's body melted down and cast into pieces of LEGO.
So now it's finally safe for the kids to play with Michael.
"What did the Lego alien say?"
"I come in pieces."
*An original joke by my 8 year old daughter.*
I woke up this morning and was surprised to find a huge box of LEGO blocks sitting on my front porch.
I have no idea what to make of it.
I'm having trouble with my Bonnie Tyler LEGO sculpture
Every now and then it falls apart.
What did the little battery yell when it stepped on a lego?
Lego bricks are being used to help people with dementia and alzheimers...
They are being put at the side of their beds to remind the old folks to put their shoes on when they get up...
The Lego stores are reopening soon.
People will be lined up for blocks.
The Legos stores have finally reopened in Europe after Corona virus,
People have literally been lining up for blocks!!
Businesses are starting to open up. In fact, the LEGO store is open now, but I recommend staying away for a while.
People will be lined up for blocks.
Did you hear about the new LEGO store in the neighbourhood?
Folks are lining up for blocks!
My wife bought me a Lego car set to build and it said +3 years in the box.
I got the last laugh, I finished it in 2.
A new Lego store opened up in my town...
People were lined up for blocks.
What happens when you scare a lego man?
They shit a brick.
Tits and LEGO Sets have a thing in common
It's meant for the kid but the dad ends up having the most fun with it.
The Lego store near my house just reopened after lockdown...
People were lining up for blocks.
LEGO bricks are like boobs...
...They're designed for kids, but it's the grown-ups who have more fun with them. Oh, and it hurts when someone steps on them.
Steal a man's wallet and he will be broke for a week
Give a man a lego passion and he will be broke for a lifetime
My on and off Lego girlfriend
and I have been going strong for a while now.
But the last breakup we had, I was left alone to pick up the pieces.
The reopening of Lego World in 2021 was a big deal.
People were lined up for blocks.
I bought an Avengers LEGO set.
It's fun to Assemble.
The other day i stepped on a lego window
I guess you could say i was in a lot of, pane
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